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Is there a Science Behind Reality Distortion Fields?

Is there a Science Behind Reality Distortion Fields?

Leveraging the sociology of expectations.

What's Inside a Tesla Battery, Sociologically?

What's Inside a Tesla Battery, Sociologically?

Fill it with meaning, not energy.

Re-Envisioning Marketing: One Chocolate Bar at a Time

Re-Envisioning Marketing: One Chocolate Bar at a Time

For most people, the journey into the world of marketing starts on the wrong foot: with the misleading proposition that marketing is the process of communicating value to consumers, thereby satisfying their needs and wants.

Love (and the Market) Actually

Love (and the Market) Actually

“Love, Actually” exemplifies a remarkable transformation from a society that understood female empowerment as a systemic concern to one that interprets all feminist concerns about empowerment through the ideological lens of market-based morality.

CX Design: Strategy Beyond Theatrics

CX Design: Strategy Beyond Theatrics

Why not all business is show business.

How Music Became an Experience (Again)

How Music Became an Experience (Again)

Once upon a time, the process for creating a record breaking band was very simple: find a talented artist, release an album, get it into heavy radio rotation, reach platinum sales, and stage a world tour. In 2014, however, for the first time in history, only one artist reached platinum sales: Taylor Swift.

'Alex from Target': Can I Do This With My Brand?

'Alex from Target': Can I Do This With My Brand?

As #alexfromtarget is fascinating the Internet and creating a ton of brand buzz for Target, marketers may be asking: Can I do this with my brand? The answer lies in marketing's knowledge about diffusion and market creation.

How Marketers Made (and Remade) Diamonds a Girl’s Best Friend

How Marketers Made (and Remade) Diamonds a Girl’s Best Friend

Diamonds – universally recognized as a token of status, wealth, power, and above all romance. It’s absurd actually, considering their lack of inherent value, but the intrigue around diamonds, or rather the myth market, has made them an inseparable and indispensible part of courtship and love. 

Zombie Brands: The Science Behind Undead Market Icons

Zombie Brands: The Science Behind Undead Market Icons

When companies and products die, their brands often live on. From Napster and Pan Am to Woolworth and Mister Donut - zombie brands abound. They have been resuscitated, redefined, or kept alive by unusual means. However, zombie brands are not all made from the same cloth. Some are brought back as nostalgic fashion icons, others have been sustained by passionate fans. Yet others simply continue exist in other parts of the world or in our imagination.

Apple Pay, CurrentC, and the Normalization of Credit/Debt

Apple Pay, CurrentC, and the Normalization of Credit/Debt

Paying for stuff has just gotten easier with Apple Pay - or so it seems. Apply Pay is a wireless payment system that lets owners of iPhone 6 pay for goods at retailers with wireless payment terminals. Users put their phones near the payment terminals, put their thumbs on the Touch ID button, and the transaction is complete.